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John Harden is a licensed architect with over eighteen years of experience. John has focused his career on building communities of different types, including institutions of higher education, independent schools, local non-profit organizations, multi-family housing and other critical components of the places where we live.


John worked at Ayers Saint Gross in Baltimore, Maryland, where he learned the value of master planning and was first introduced to academic projects. John also worked at Architerra in Boston where he honed his skills in sustainable design. Lastly, John was a partner at SV Design in Beverly where he led the commercial team in the design of projects including many different building types at many different scales and enjoyed building relationships with clients.

Most recently, on January 1, 2020, John joined OLSON LEWIS + Architects as their newest principal. John brings his years of experience and local relationships to the firm where he hopes to continue to do excellent work for his clients.

John lives in Manchester, Massachusetts with his family.

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